
Continuations in ruby

8 minute read Published: 2011-03-27

In the weekends I like to learn lisp (my favorite lisp is scheme), and, whilst I do it in a chaotic fashion, I end up actually learning. Today I'm reading about continuations, a theme that is mentioned over and over in schemeland and which I hadn't the guts to try and understand. Until I found this chapter in the book "Teach yourself scheme in fixnum days". As eye-opening as it is, what I found most surprising is that ruby also has continuation! So I'll sum up what I learned about continuations using ruby for the examples. All the examples and content are either paraphrased or taken directly from the above book.

Magic considered harmful: teaching the first programming language

8 minute read Published: 2011-03-26

This might come off as yet another developer ranting against java, so let me state this before even stating my goal today: I think java is a neat language which shows off some good ideas that have clearly influenced the programming community for the past years. But, as highly as I think of java as a kinda good designed product and harbinger of very nice things, like the java virtual machine (cradle of fine languages like scala and clojure)and the widespread use of just-in-time compilation, I consider that teaching it as a first programming language is harmful, because in teaching it you have two choices: either delve into thorough and sometimes hard explanations as to why things have to be done the way they're done or resort to magical explanations: "write it like that because I say so". And both have equally pejorative consequences: the former leaves little time to teach the fundamentals of programming, like control flow, functions, recursion, environments/computational objects, logic and testing; and the latter sets a rather weak foundation which dooms the future of future engineers/computer scientists.