
Teaching about git and github with a nice blog post

2 minute read Published: 2010-10-16

Today, I was writing a tutorial for a class I'm teaching on how to use git+github for group projects. We had a lab earlier so I already knew which things needed more support (like diagrams or screen-captures) and which needed real-life code results.

Pagination in jekyll

2 minute read Published: 2010-08-30

I migrated my personal site to jekyll today, as I said before; for my blog, I wanted something simple, codinghorror, simple and yet a little simpler than that: I don't like the clutter of sidebars and footers, but there had to be a way for people to navigate amongst my entries (I also don't assume that people have the best internet connection ever to load all my posts in one page).

The internerd, indeed

1 minute read Published: 2010-08-29